The vision of Victory Ministry of Christ is based upon the Holy scripture, I Corinthians 15:57 “But, thanks be to God which gives us the Victory through our Savior Jesus Christ” has proven to be the Prophetic Blueprint of our foundational growth. Our vision is to help usher and ignite the fire of God upon all of mankind, that would produce healthy fruit of love, healing and unity from God’s ordained Holy Word. It is only through this perception that strongholds, division and curses would be penetrated and broken all throughout our cities, communities and ministries. God’s redemption, grace and promises one to another, has holistically given us spiritual and physical victory, authority and power that shall be manifested in the earth.
Our Mission is to walk in the Gifts and Fruit of the Holy Spirit. Demonstrating God’s fivefold ministry plan to release revival, prophetic insight, restoration, healing, discipleship and miracles to all generations throughout our nation, cities, communities and families. Standing firm to the chief ingredients for true victory is only through Jesus Christ!